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Tain Highland Gathering

2015 Gathering

Added at 10:15 on 14 August 2015

Well, what a fantastic day we had yesterday (13th Aug)! Probably one of the best we have ever had. One or two hiccups but, hey, we can live with that. Have to say a huge well done to everyone involved, particularly the boys on the Committee who put in a sterling effort to get that field looking as good as it did and for all the work they were still doing after everyone had gone home, particulary Alasdair Grant, Tom & Morag Robb and the Scouts Thank you too to everyone who made the effort to come along and enjoy the day. We had some great competitions, one record broken (22lb Hammer) and one nearly (Pole Vault) and a good turn-out of competitors all round. Well done to Connie too for being a terrific Chieftain. I think she enjoyed her day. Thanks again everyone for making all the work we put into it very worthwhile. See you all next year! 

Hope to see you all again next year!
