Added on 11 August 2012
Thursday, 9th August 2012 was our 20th Gathering. Our very first Chieftain - Wattie Louden - was unable to join us due to ill health. To make sure he didn't miss out on the celebrations, it was arranged that the Chieftain's Parade would go a bit further and stop outside Wattie's house. His beloved Tain Pipe Band congregated in his back garden and played for him and he was able to watch and listen to them from "Wattie's Ward" with a glass of Glenmorangie in his hand.
On Friday, we received the sad news that Wattie had passed away earlier that morning.
It was due to Wattie that I became involved with Tain Games in the first place. He came along to my house one night and told me they needed a Secretary. How could I say no! (Well, I don't think it was really an option!). 18 years later ..... A true Tain legend, his guidance and humour will be hugely missed in everything he was involved with and our thoughts are very much with Jean and the family at this time. Slainte mhath Wattie <3
Fiona (Secretary)